
The spots were based on the social welfare prog and community development

Old Age Care

Hope is the look on old couple's face when they are faced with hurting words from the youngsters of the famiry. These youngsters can be their children than grand children.

To a young child, this is the worst treatment that can be given to elders. This spot shows how this small child is the hope for elders, that he might understand them and the troubles that aging brings.

No Smoking

Smoking is most hazardous to health of an individual and also to the environment. Smoking, normally begins as a pleasure seeking pastime. It slowly becomes a habit and finally an addiction. It blocks the walls of the lungs and can cause severe disorders like bronchitis, lung cancer etc.

A person who inhales deep breath while smoking harms himself the most Each cigarette is said to reduce 1/17* of a second of a life. The exhaled air harms the people around the smoker. They also become passive smokers.

Save The Wild Life

Across Asia, ancient cultures and religions evolved with a deep respect for, and dependence on, the natural world. But today, as burgeoning populations and expanding economies lead to dwindling natural resources, many species spiral toward extinction. The Asian medicine trade preys on beats for their gall bladders, tigers for their bones, and rhinos for their horns. Logging demands destroy forest habitats home to countless rare wildlife species, and local agriculture draws from watersheds, sucking the dry.

As India's population grew and began cultivating or settling more of its forest and scrublands, the Asiatic lion was squeezed nearly out of existence. Early this century the Gir Forest area in the state of Gujarat on the west coast was affected with a terrible famine brought on by a severe drought one so devastating that it is still mentioned in the folklore of the region, Because of the strained circumstances, the lion population began preying on the human population in the area. This prompted a massive backlash against the lions, resulting in a catastrophic decline in their population. In 1910 there were reported to be fewer than two dozen lions left in the wild although this low figure census data from the time indicates the4 population was probably closer to 100.